Join us for the upcoming regional event, organised by SmartX partners, Città Studi –, on the 12th of April, 2022 in Biella, Italy. Here are all the programme details and registration information.

Join us for the upcoming regional event, organised by SmartX partners, Città Studi –, on the 12th of April, 2022 in Biella, Italy. Here are all the programme details and registration information.
On March 17, 2022, our Swedish programme partner Smart Textiles by Science Park Borås hosted an online dissemination event, which featured two SmartX programme winners and expert presentations on smart textile innovations.
Le 15 mars a eu lieu un évènement sur le potentiel des smart textiles en Franc et en Belgique, diffusé en direct depuis Lille. Cet évènement a permis d’échanger sur les textiles intelligents et de découvrir les résultats de ce projet mené depuis 2019. Vous pouvez voir ou revoir cet évènement en replay ici.
Nutzen Sie die Veranstaltung als Ihre Gelegenheit, sich über die bisherigen und zukünftigen Aktivitäten des SmartX zu informieren sowie die acht spannenden Smart Textile Projekte hautnah kennenzulernen und ihre aktuellen und zukünftigen Entwicklungs-schritte weiterzuverfolgen.
SmartX- Aceleradora de textiles Inteligentes en Europa y TEXFOR organizan el evento de difusión de los resultados del proyecto Smartx y otros casos de éxito en España.
As part of the final regional dissemination events organised by the SmartX consortium, our Portuguese partners are hosting iTechStyle Talks® in Porto (February 16-17, 2022).
Join the final SmartX conference to network with the community, hear presentations on smart textile innovation, and meet the winners of our funding calls.
The 2nd Brokerage Event to promote the third and last SmartX call took place on December 9, 2020 via video conference. The webinar was attended by 73 stakeholders (future applicants, consortium partners, and speakers). Like the previous edition, the event was divided into two different panels, preceded by a presentation of the SmartX programme by […]
With more than 50 participants, our webinar on the future of werable electronics by SmartX parners DSP Valley and CITC was a great success. It was the third event in the SmartX Webinar Series. The session started with a reminder about the recent launch of the third and final SmartX call for funding. Björn Van […]
Our online workshop about the SmartX programme and the upcoming third/final call for funding took place on November 4 and was organized by our German partners, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum and DITF. In the first funding call from SmartX Europe, nine projects out of 34 applications were approved and have already been initiated. A total of 16 European […]