Project Description
Body Care is a smart medical device for bedsore prevention in hospitals.
How Body Care works
The project is an innovative mattress cover with pressure sensors to be installed on hospital beds, with the goal of identifying and measuring critical bedsore parameters. Its built-in software will alert the medical team when the patient requires mobility, resulting in a significant reduction in pressure ulcers.
Body Care is an innovative mattress cover with pressure sensors to be installed on hospital beds.

The solution comes with built-in software that will alert the medical team when the patient requires mobility.
Development and SmartX support
The consortium behind the project has so far conducted research and selection of materials to test the first printed sensors, with the goal of finding the best formulation of the ink in terms of dispersion, viscosity, and print process properties.In the next stage, a simple matrix of printed piezoresistive sensors will be designed and printed on a PET substrate for preliminary tests. During this time, one of the partners will develop a new PCB (printed circuit board) and optimise the existing software in order to develop a prototype that is technologically equivalent or superior to current solutions on the market. With the help of the SmartX programme, the consortium will work on printing of conductive inks on textile material, preparation of Body Care for medical certification, and the implementation of the commercial network and sale of the product.
SmartX support will allow the consortium to work on printing of conductive inks on textile material.
Meet the team
Body Care is a joint project by two SMEs from Portugal: Sensing Future Technologies and Nanopaint. Sensing Future designs, develops and implements medical devices (ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified) for balance, physical, and vestibular applications. SFT has a technical team specialised in electronics and software, with expertise in assembling and using pressure sensors. Nanopaint develops and commercialises functional inks based on a patented technology that can be used for different types of printed sensors with multiple applications in the automotive, consumer electronics, healthcare, military, packaging, sport, and textile industries. Nanopaint’s team also has an extensive know-how in electroactive materials and also provides customized printed sensors.
Body Care is a joint project by two SMEs from Portugal: Sensing Future Technologies and Nanopaint.