Project Description
The Marina Race project is focused on the implementation of biometric sensors into the undershirt of FIA (International Automobile Federation) motor racing drivers.
How Marina Race: Undershirt for Racing Drivers works
Marina Race incorporates biometric sensors into the undershirt of competition automobile pilots regulated by the International Automobile Federation (FIA). The solution provides real-time or deferred data on the behaviour of the driver’s body during the race in order to improve athlete performance or detect potential accident risks.
Marina Race incorporates biometric sensors into the undershirt of competition automobile pilots.
Development and SmartX support
Thanks to the SmartX programme, the company is able to create a T-shirt with all necessary sensors and connections in order to perform different internal tests by Marina Textil (i.e. fire tests according to FIA standards) and the Blautic test (electronic devices and data collection) during the activity. The data that the sensor records are: ECG signal and heart rate, heart rate variability, skin temperature, and breathing rate. The MARINA COOL BIO shirt is made with fabrics composed of natural (38%) and synthetic fibers to provide comfort and reliable fire protection.
The Marina shirt uses natural and synthetic fibers to provide both comfort and reliable fire protection.
Meet the team
Marina Race is developed by Barcelona-based SME Marina Racewear, using their own technical fabrics manufactured by Marina Textil. Their mission is to create FIA-approved, new concept products that improve racing performance. Connect with Marina Racewear and Marina Textil in our member community (login required).
Marina Race is developed by Marina Racewear from Barcelona, using their own fabrics from Marina Textil.